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                • Stainless steel flange material

                  The material of the stainless steel flange is made of different models and different uses and chemical compositions. Stainless steel can be roughly classified by use, chemical composition and metallographic structure. First, the stainless s...

                • The difference between internal threaded valve and externall

                  Threaded valves (also known as wire mouth valves, threaded valves or internal tooth valves) generally refer to valves with internal or external threads on the valve body, which are mainly divided into internal threaded valves and externally...

                • Structure of the stop valve

                  The shut-off valve is mainly used to switch on or off the medium in the pipeline, and is generally not used to regulate the flow. The shut-off valve is suitable for pressure and temperature range, but it is generally used for medium and sma...

                • Vacuum Valve Leakage "Knack"

                  Step 1: Gate valve leakage. The energy consumption accounting of the device is the same as that of yesterday. If the yield decreases, besides eliminating the causes of process and instrumentation, it is preliminary judged that there may be...

                • Warmly congratulate Jiangsu Botway Fluid Technology Co., Ltd

                  The company adopts GB, ANSI, ASME, API, BS, NF, DIN and other advanced national standards for valve design, manufacture, inspection, and acceptance. It has a series of resources for products such as casting, forging, professional design, ma...