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                National Service Hotline 08:00-21:0017851608000
                当前位置:Home > About > Corporate Culture >

                After years of hard work and persistent struggle, Botway has stepped out of an extraordinary development path of its own and has grown into a leading valve manufacturer in China.
                Employee Value
                Botway actively creates a good working atmosphere, establishes a perfect training system for employees, creates favorable conditions, and encourages employees to constantly improve themselves, surpass themselves, dare to innovate, dare to accept challenges, take responsibility and realize self-worth.
                Enterprise value
                Through continuous product innovation and management innovation, Botway continuously improves the quality of products and services, and takes customer's overall satisfaction as the development goal of the enterprise. As an important manufacturer of industrial valves in the world, Botway has established its own brand value in the industry.
                Social responsibility
                In recent years, through persistent technological innovation, Botway has developed a series of environmentally friendly valves, which have made important contributions to global energy conservation, emission reduction and sustainable development.
                Botway integrates employee value, enterprise value and social responsibility to form its own unique corporate culture, which has won the common recognition of society and employees, and has formed positive centripetal force and motivation inside and outside the company. It has achieved our success today and will usher in a more brilliant future of Botway.