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                National Service Hotline 08:00-21:0017851608000
                当前位置:Home > About > Company Profile >

                Our company adopts GB, ANSI, ASME, API, BS, NF, DIN and other advanced national standards for valve design, manufacture, inspection, and acceptance. It has a series of resources for products such as casting, forging, professional design, machining, inspection and transportation. The main products are industrial valves for high temperature, low temperature and high pressure bidirectional pressure all metal hard sealing butterfly valves. It is the first manufacturer in China that can be mass-produced; it can be installed in both directions under pressure, and can be installed at any time in China. Manufacturer; pressure rating ANSI 150Lb ~ 2500Lb, size 4" ~ 80", temperature -254 ° C ~ 900 ° C. The main materials of the valve are A105, WCB, C5, WC6, WC9, LCB, CF8 (304), CF8M (316), CF3 (304L), CF3M (316L), F51, Monel, titanium, etc. Other special material valves are required.
                The three-eccentric all-metal hard-sealing butterfly valve produced by our company mainly has the following characteristics: zero leakage, sealing surface surfacing alloy technology, long wear life and good sealing performance; sealing surface can be replaced in a complete set, and the project site can be quickly repaired and maintained. Low; high temperature resistance, high pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, safe use under complex conditions.