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                OUR PRODUCTS

                了 解 一 下 您 的 优 质 供 应 商

                ABOUT BOTWAY

                • Our company adopts GB, ANSI, ASME, API, BS, NF, DIN and other advanced national standards for valve design, manufacture, inspection, and acceptance. It has a series of resources for casting, forging, professional design, machining, inspection, transportation and other services. The main products are high-temperature, low-temperature, high-pressure bidirectional pressure all-metal hard-sealed butterfly valves and other industrial valves, which are the first batch manufacturer in China; bidirectional pressure, which can be installed arbitrarily, can meet the design requirements of high-pressure 600LB bidirectional pressure manufacturer...

                1. Engineer is responsible for the whole process
                2. Reliability of materials and accessories
                3. Advanced Equipment Guarantees Manufacturing Accuracy
                4. Regular after-sales visits

                High quality, high requirement and high standard

                Our special features, so that you have no worries!


                NEWS CENTER

                Warmly congratulate Jiangsu Botway Fluid Technology Co., Ltd

                The company adopts GB, ANSI, ASME, API, BS, NF, DIN and other advanced national standards for valve design, manufacture, inspection, and acceptance. It has a ser...